Saturday, November 29, 2008

Power Vs Knowledge

Power and knowledge always related to each other. In our society we always see how knowledge use power as a weapon. One the other hand power holders are also controlling the knowledgeable or wisdom person for their own purpose. So, power and knowledge are inter-related.

In the 14th December 1971 Pakistan wanted to killed all the intellectual people of our country. It was a last attempt by an occupation army to leave a nation they had been unable to subdue, crippled intellectually and culturally. They think Knowledge is the only things which can be a protection of Bengali people. If we Destroy it then Bangladesh will be powerless country and we'll be winner. But they were not gain because of mass people of Bangladesh. Although Bengal people have no knowledge power at all, but they have unity and these unity become the power for the them.

Pakistan used their knowledge as well as their power over the people of Bangladesh. They did it because authority was in favor of them and it was the inspiration for used their knowledge for their erroneous entity of Pakistanies are into this country.

Human nature is like that, they always tried to use knowledge as a weapon or power. For that reason knowledge and power become contradictory issue for each other. If knowledge used for to do good things or invent somethings then again it become an weapon or power.

As we see in the movie "Enemy of the State", power comes through the knowledge and also knowledge is used by the power. In this movie when we see the hero Will Smith become a doll of agencies when agencies had the power. After that Will Smith gain the knowledge and he became a powerful man. Now he has the weapon or power which can help him to protect himself and able to destroy agency bureaucratic network.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Stereotype of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh

The thing ‘Stereotype’ depend on time, situation and also place. Sometimes it can influence and comes through the religious point of view, country and status. The representation of black people in advertising and commercial products has changed over the past century in west. But in East it also appears in a different way, mainly it shows on the advertisement. How black people have been portrayed in every day objects and how that representation has changed with society and the people who act on it. People also think that way what the way has media present to them.

A news story is influenced by the attitudes and backgrounds of the reporters, photographers and editors who select and edit the images and information they offer us. A photographer or a reporter or the editor what think in their mind that is reflect in the report which they did.

Stereotype of India:

India a country where traditional stereotypes and emphasis on marital status is important fact. India has a lot of prejudices about women, culture and their day to day life. The traditional stereotype of a woman is slowly changing though as western culture influences the Indian mindset and the urban Indian mindset more specifically. But as we think in our mind first we can recall that Indians are more patriotic for their country. Whatever they do in Cricket, Movie and other sector always they try to relate their country in their every work.

In our country the Muslim and the Hindu people has quite different connotation in their mind about India. Some Muslims are in our country think that, Indian people are conservative to their Hinduism and they don’t like Muslims. Indian people are very much selfish they have no hospitality to their neighbor etc. But Hindu people in our country always try to say about India in very positive way. But I think India has a very good platform to live Hindu and Muslims all together very friendly, but sometimes it is hampered by some people who actually don’t like their country.

Indian people are very much conscious about their tradition, heritage and their resources. India is more advance in terms of technology, education, economy etc.

Stereotype of Pakistan:

This is a positive image of Pakistan which actually use for tourist attraction but people from other country don't think in this way.

Pakistan is a country which has very conservative Islamic minded people who are involve with so many Dogma and Prejudice. That's why they were barbaric in 1971 in our country. Muslim militant are very strong in Pakistan they are involve with mass destruction around the country. There has so many historical place in Pakistan but they are not aware of it. Terrorism activity and some evidence shows that it has many terrorist who involve with terrorism.

Stereotype of Bangladesh:

Bangladesh is a village oriented, liveried green developing country which has a long historical movement for its emerge. The Bangladeshi people are very friendly and they love to enjoy their life. Bangladesh stands on a very strong cultural value and it has a rich cultural identity. Bangladeshi people are very much emotional which sometimes cause of their aggressiveness.

Although these stereotype comes from only my mind but it also create by our social structure, time, history and off course media what they present about the country and its people. This concept not only in mine but there are so many people has in our country who has the same perspective about these country.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Different meaning of the symbol 'Swastika'

A word has no any individual meaning on it, when people use it for their different purposes then the words change it’s connotation. For example, the sign ‘Ok’

is use for something measure to right in west but its have a vary bad connotaion in our country. This is how the way a symbol can change its connotative meaning.
The symbol ‘Swastika’
has also used for over 3,000 years in different region with different conotaion. Eastern countries are used this symbol with a positive purspective (from the religious view) but in west it used in a different way.

For Buddhists and Hindus, the swastika is a very religious symbol that is commonly used. These conflicting meanings are causing problems in today's society. The swastika has also different name in different country like-
Ø China – wan
Ø England - fylfot
Ø Germany - Hakenkreuz
Ø Greece - tetraskelion and gammadion
Ø India – swastika etc.

The word "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit svastika - "su" meaning "good," "asti" meaning "to be," and "ka" as a suffix. But its a indian concept of using the word swastika but if we look into west thinking then the meaning will change because of its uses.

West has also used the swastika in many for many good reason throughout the past 3,000 years to represent life, sun, power, strength, and good luck. Even in the early twentieth century, the swastika was still a symbol with positive connotations.

For instance, the swastika was a common decoration that often adorned cigarette cases, postcards, coins, and buildings. During World War I, the swastika could even be found on the shoulder patches of the American 45th Division and on the Finnish air force until after World War II.

But when Nazis used this symbol for Nazis' national flag, the swastika soon became a symbol of hate, antisemitism, violence, death, and murder.
